Why we made them.
What they’re for.
Which ones have we started?
How to get involved.
" … charged with coordinating community development efforts."
Like-minded people …
working towards a common goal …
collaboratively, in public
For discussion of cross-working-group norms, process, or tools
Advising projects and PMCs on best practice
Seasoned ASF members and community managers
It’s important to respect a project’s autonomy
Listen more than you speak
Get to know key people, and corporate participants, engaged in the project
Read board reports. Identify and solve problems
Mentor people attempting to become committers or PMC members, who don’t appear to be getting much support
Just generally … become a part of the community
"Badges" to celebrate accomplishments
Still in idea phase - could use your help
Providing a recommended template for project code of conduct
(Based on the Contributor Covenant)
NOT an enforcing body, nor are we requiring any project to do anything
NOT working on a Foundation-level global Code of Conduct
Identify places where there’s a concentration of ASF people, and encourage people visiting there to meet for a meal
Revive the map? (Needs to respect privacy laws!)
Gatherings at major tech events (FOSDEM, OSSummit, and so on)
Geeky movie night!
See also ALC - Apache Local Communities - https://s.apache.org/alc - that’s something different.
Should we keep using Twitter?
Should we engage more in some other platform?
What kind of content do we want to post?
And, as always, the focus should remain on building strong ASF communities
Helping projects, and the ASF in general, be more welcoming
e.g. …
helping projects write better project definitions
answering beginner questions on dev@community or elsewhere
Consistent messaging
Thorough, friendly answers with links
Is there something you’re passionate about and want to gather a group of like-minded people to work on it?
Propose your WG on dev@community.apache.org
Send email to dev@community.apache.org
Use a Subject: line tag identifying the working group
Show up
Introduce yourself
Say what you want to work on
Then start doing it. You are allowed.
Working groups outside of ComDev
Open Regulatory Compliance working group
Governance committee
Communication platforms WG
TRAINING.apache.org produces training materials for projects, and about the ASF as a whole, for use in your presentations, meetups, and so on, all under the Apache License, so that you can grab one and use it as a starting point.
This presentation is part of the Apache Training (Incubating) project, and under the AL2.0 license.