This document discusses how to effectively use Apache Training presentations.

Opening a presentation

If you are presenting one of our published presentations, without any modifications, then click 'Presentations' in the navigation menu of, select the presentation you want to deliver, and start!

However, since most of us will make at least minor modifications to these presentations, you’ll probably be presenting from your local build of the slides.

You’ll do this by getting a checkout of the presentation, making your edits, and building it locally. The process for this is covered in link::index.html#/getting-started[Getting Started], but is recapped here:

git clone
cd incubator-training/content
cd [path to your desired presentation]
cd ./src/main/asciidoc
[edit index.adoc to make your desired changes]
cd ../../../
mvn install

Your generated presentation is now in the directory target/generated-slides and you can open the file index.html in that directory in your browser.

Speaker tools

Press S (for Speaker) to open the speaker tools. This opens a second browser window with a preview of the next slide, and shows you any speaker notes that are available for the current slide.

It also shows you elapsed time, as well as timing advice for the current slide. This pacing advice is derived from the totalTime parameter, divided by the number of slides. This value defaults to 40 minutes (2400 seconds) but you can set this to a desired value by putting the following at the top of your index.adoc file:

// 30 minutes - 5 minutes Q&A = 1500 seconds
:revealjs_totalTime: 1500

This will then require that you rebuild your presentation.


Giving a good presentation is more than reading the slides. Here are some tips for ensuring that you represent the ASF well.

  • Read all of the speaker notes before going on stage. Consider rephrasing some of them in your own words to make the presentation feel more natural.

  • Practice giving the presentation. If you can, record yourself, and watch with a critical eye, or perhaps in front of a friend who is willing to give constructive feedback.

  • If you’re giving a talk in person, arrive at the venue a little early to be sure you can get your slides on the screen, and that everything is working as desired.

  • If you’re giving the talk remotely, be sure you are in a quiet place where you won’t be disturbed. Put a sign on your door.

  • Turn off your mobile phone. Empty your pockets. Remove your conference badge so that it won’t interfere with the microphone.

  • Use the microphone. No, you are not loud enough without it. It’s not for you, it’s for your audience, and makes their experience better.

  • Leave time for questions. Repeat every question, because the people in the back didn’t hear it.

  • If your talk was recorded, please consider sending a link to the video to us at

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